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Reeded Ceilings

Daliwe has made thousands of square metres of ceilings since our inception. The most popular design is the Tugela Natural reed. As showcased below:

Tugela Range

Tugela Reeded designs in Natural, Bone and Honey are made by weaving 10-15mm flute reeds with twine, keeping the reeds closely bound. This is in contrast to Levhuvhu (the next reeded range) which is woven with 10mm grass braid to form a more widely spaced, or open weave.
Tugela Natural is woven with natural unpeeled reeds, and this is our bestselling product. For a lighter colour effect, the yellow bark can be peeled away and these stripped reeds woven to Tugela Bone. This is a more time consuming product to make. Peeled reeds can then also be stained to Honey, and woven into Tugela Honey.

The same colour options and process apply to the Levhuvhu range: Natural, Bone and Honey shade options are available.

Reeded ceilings have a maximum panel width of 1.6m since this is how high the reeds from in the river before tapering off. Panels can be woven to lengths of over 3m. The reeds are strong in their width and need no backing board. The panels can be simply and quickly installed by using a pressure gun and Hiltis, typically into a timber framework. Seams should be covered with grass rope or cover strips to match.

Tugela Natural

Tugela Honey

Tugela Bone

Levhuvhu Range

Levhuvhu ceilings have a more textured and open appearance than Tugela ceilings. Levhuvhu can be woven with natural unpeeled reeds, to Levhuvhu Natural, a very popular and affordable product. For a lighter colour effect, the yellow bark can be peeled away and these stripped reeds woven to Levhuvhu Bone. This is a more time consuming product to make, and more expensive. Peeled reeds can then also be stained to Honey, and woven into Levhuvhu Honey.

As with Tugela, Levhuvhu ceilings have a maximum panel width of 1.6m and can be woven to lengths of over 3m. The reeds are strong in their width and need no backing board. The panels can be simply and quickly installed by using a pressure gun and Hiltis, typically into a timber framework. Seams should be covered with grass rope or cover strips to match.

Levhuvhu Natural

Levhuvhu Honey

Levhuvhu Bone

Limpopo, Nile & Seagrass Range

This group of ceilings is made from softer grasses. Limpopo is made from bulrush, which is some-what stiff but not as strong as reeds. Nile is made from mountain grass and Zambezi from seagrass. All three designs need to be adhered to a backing board before being installed. The pattern and design of the panels can vary from equal squares to long narrow panels – and the panels are not limited in any size.

Limpopo Natural



Latte & Bali Ceilings

Eucalyptus latte woven with grass into a connected panel makes for an easy patio installation which will weather the rain and sun. This is a very strong ceiling which can be exposed tot he elements.

The Bali ceiling is our local invention to create the Bali palm frond effect – made by wrapping latte in seagrass and weaving the wrapped lengths into panels. For interior use only, or under cover on pa-tios.

Latte Natural

Latte Whitewash


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